Being a student can be difficult, especially when trying to juggle academic tasks, personal life, social life, and a host of other issues that pop up in everyone’s life from time to time. This means that students have to maximize their learning potential, which can be done by adopting some effective learning habits. It really is not that difficult, but it does require concentration and effort. Just think of the hours you will save when you study effectively. That should be motivation enough to go through our 10 tips to study effectively.
10 tips to study effectively
But, let’s not waste any more time. You probably didn’t click on the link to read my babble but to find out how you study more effectively and get actionable tips. So let’s get started, shall we?
1. Approach matters.
While studying can be boring, if you aim for effectiveness it is important to realize that studying is necessary. To be truly effective, you must approach studying from a positive perspective, as something that adds value. Think of it this way; rather than saying – damn, I need to study again – you could approach it from a positive standpoint and say – I can’t wait to learn something new today. If you can do this, then the learning process will be more enjoyable and more effective.
Whatever you do, never think about the negatives, such as – oh my God, I am so screwed; I didn’t learn enough for this exam. That way of thinking will surely reduce your learning and increase the likelihood of failure. When you reach a difficult segment, don’t get frustrated. Instead, take a short break and think about the positive effects of learning. Maybe there’s a school you’re dying to go to, or a program you are interested in. Use them to focus your efforts.

2. Location, location, location
It’s obvious that there are many students who live in poverty and cannot afford their own room or a study. But, wherever you are, and whatever your life circumstances may be, it is possible to find a quiet spot free of any distractions such as TV or a loud party.
If you cannot find such a place at home, hit the library. There’s usually plenty of seats available and some university libraries work long hours so you can study whenever you like. If that’s not an option, you can always scour your university for a quiet spot, maybe in a park or a study hall (if any). Ideally, you’ll want somewhere quiet with no distractions where you can just sit down, pull out your books or a laptop and get to work.
3. Avoid distractions
Now, this might be a given but try to avoid any distractions when you’re learning. Yes, this means no checking your Tinder profile and no games on your phone. Put all the electronics away and focus on the task at hand. Despite what you might think, just a small glance at your phone can distract you and put you off learning. Focus on the material, forget everything else. If it helps, take a short break every hour or two.
4. Take copious notes
This one is not for the geniuses, obviously. For us mortals, however, notes can be the difference maker. More importantly, find one system to take notes and stick with it. Do you like colored markers? Use them. Maybe you have a more analytical mind, so order your notes numerically or using some type of code. It’ll be fun and can help you memorize better. Research shows that notes increase retention significantly, so have at it. If you have to copy notes from others, read them first and then transcribe them. You’ll remember more this way. However, if possible, take your own notes. Also, it is much better to take notes during class than writing them later.
5. Study with friends
If you find that you can’t fully concentrate or immerse yourself in the material, you can try to find one or two colleagues and form a study group. Decide on a time schedule that fits all of you, find a location and get to work. This tactic is especially useful when preparing for an exam because you can bounce ideas within the group, test each other, and stay motivated. Don’t go overboard with the group though, 3-5 people will be enough. Any more and you won’t be able to keep up with each other. Additionally, try to find individuals who are roughly at the same level as you.
6. Keep a study schedule
Student’s life can be hectic, but always remember that your primary goal is to learn and pass exams. To do this, you have to study. So, make a schedule and stick with it. You don’t have to study 10 hours every day, though. Leave some time for fun, sports, and socialization. Devote 2 or 3 hours every day that will be your study hours. Determine when you are most likely to be free, write it down in your calendar and keep your appointments. Don’t find excuses to not study, as that will get you into trouble. More likely than not, if you miss one study session there will be others down the road. This is especially important if you have a study group. Your colleagues won’t appreciate you missing out on the sessions.
7. Don’t forget to relax
It is important to keep up with your studies. But it is at least as important to rest, relax, and enjoy yourself. You don’t need 4 hours of studying sessions to succeed. Instead, break your study time into more manageable chunks – four one hour sessions with 15 minute breaks or half hour sessions with five minute breaks. Or, if that does not help, you can try to reward yourself after completing a session. It doesn’t have to be anything big, maybe a trip to Starbucks or whatever strikes your fancy. Rewards increase the likelihood of repetition because of the expectation that rewards will be earned again.
8. Ask questions
One of the best ways to learn something is to ask someone who knows it better than you. So, next time you’re in class and the teacher is giving a lecture on something you’re not really clear on, get up and ask them to clarify. The attention will help you memorize better and actually understand what is being taught. Some people find it hard to get up in front of a packed classroom, but this can be a great way to practice your social skills as well.
9. Be precise
There are some subjects that are extremely broad and students can get lost in the material, especially if they don’t have a specific agenda. Yes, it is hard, but try to focus on those parts that are actually important for the class. Trying to learn everything usually results in knowing nothing, so break the material down into smaller pieces and go through them one by one. If something is not in the syllabus, don’t bother – unless you’re really excited about the subject and want to know more. In that case, have at it.
10. Stay healthy
Do you know the old saying, a healthy mind in a healthy body? Well, the Greeks and the Romans knew that you had to keep your body healthy if you want your mind to work properly. Take the advice and take some time every day to do sports, or just walk for a bit. The fresh air and the exercise will stimulate you and keep your mind as sharp as possible. Get in touch for more info.