Prehistory – timeline that is not yet fixed

Learn everything you need to know about Prehistory, its timeline and the different stages of development of human society; from rudimentary stone tools to complex machines and iron weaponry.

Why Learn What Is Prehistory?

To be a true historian, one must understand the complex developmental pathways of human civilization, including its timeline starting from prehistory to modernity. Understanding what does prehistory mean, what it entails, and how it affects modern humanity is a necessity.

Prehistory – Definition & Timeline

Periods of Prehistory

Human society began some 3 million years ago with the first evolutionary ancestors that walked upright and gradually developed rudimentary tools made of bone, wood, and stone. Over time, these crude groups evolved into tribes that roamed the planet, developing ever more complex tools and social norms, thus giving way to Mesolithic (middle stone age) and Neolithic (new stone age) periods. Starting with the Neolithic period, humans developed agriculture and became sedentary. The finding of copper, tin, and iron in subsequent centuries completes the Prehistory timeline, which ends with the Greek Classical period, between 900-800 B.C

Definition of Prehistory

Prehistory refers to the period of time in human history before the development of written records or documented history. It encompasses the vast expanse of time when humans and their ancestors lived, evolved, and developed various cultures and technologies without leaving written records. Prehistory typically spans millions of years, from the emergence of early hominids to the invention of writing systems, which varied in different regions but generally began around 5,000 years ago. The study of prehistory relies on archaeological and anthropological evidence to understand human origins, lifestyles, and societal changes during this era.

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